
Jie Lun 依然范特西... CK 依然 cmi...

Omg… Jie Lun 依然范特西特… haha got his latest mv here… 千里之外… okie I guess I really must start supporting him by buying his album liao… I mean how can a guy who must have the same chinese theme in every album manage to deliver it each time… haha ya ya I know I’m biased but who cares… and with 费玉清… haha okie I admit I think it’s quite gay too but nevermind la this century gay’s the in thing… haha and Mr 费's voice really very nice leh… maybe I’m old enough to appreciate him… so it’s a nice song… really hope the rest are good too… just maintain his standard then I’ll have another year of Jie Lun’s lyrics to memorize liao… haha… so that’s for the song… eyeshield 21 is ever controlling my mood with its chapters and anytime devilbats lose I’m gonna be damn sian too… so please no slam dunk ending k… just go on and win like every one expect the story to be… just don’t lose… well school life sux… even though I try to live it like how I did last sem I guess I can never go back to that me last sem liao… hai… but then again that’s life right… got to live it even if u don’t like it… so try la… now life’s really pretty sian with two of my bros very busy one with studies the other one with love… so no one to spend with me on sats and suns… got to live with that too… anymore things to complain… hmm… okie someone is still on my mind now and I can’t control it… everything around me seems to be able to connect with someone… yes I know I must let go but ya another cruel truth too… that it’s just not easy… ya and I’m not suppose to complain about it here cause inevitably someone might know and I don’t know how someone will think… sorry but bo bian la… hai… guess that’s the reason why I’m half gal (haha with regards to that I’ve my nice good friend to thank for letting me do a survey to know that I’m half guy and half gal… but it’s the thinking okie don’t think too much haha no gay in the making)… I don’t know on one hand I want attention but on the other I don’t want people to know too much then shower me with attention… irony of life… haha ya but I guess it’s for tonight only la… and maybe tomorrow and after that I should be fine again… bo bian too cause school starts again with the addition of tutorials… Oh ya totally into southpark now and I realize that my character fits the guy who Satan was in love with… Chris… haha for whoever understand u will understand why I laugh too… So when Mr Satan refers dear Chris as pussy I guess I’m one too… haha but mei ban fa I’m like that I guess… so no expectation from anyone who has an expectation on me… haha I guess I will just live to die in this world… Oh and I rent another hongkong drama liao… “hard to be a woman”’s the title…but then no la it’s for guys too… I weekly also got mention… quite nice… haha another of those cmi guys whom I never look upon but now I’ve hesitation being the ever nice guy in the show too… haha guess that’s so not realistic in real life… but I guess it’s quite nice a show to watch too bah… so for friends who want np np the necessary stuffs will be done and u can watch too :)… wow I manage to write so much… haha if only I can do so for my tutorials… but then again what’s the point… haha deliberately voicing my opinion in class… that’s so not me but yet I’m doing it for the sake of marks… okie add on I’ll live to be manipulated and die when useless in this world… haha… okie la finish my thoughts liao so anyone who read this now plz shower me with c and c cause I need it now… haha but then again won’t happen ;p… okie take care everyone… someone… me… oh oh of course got the lyrics la no worries haha if that’s what u are waiting for…
詞:方文山 曲:周杰倫
屋簷如懸崖 風鈴如滄海 我等燕歸來
時間被安排 演一場意外 妳悄然走開
故事在城外 濃霧散不開 看不清對白
妳聽不出來 風聲不存在 是我在感慨
夢醒來 是誰在窗台 把結局打開
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆
我送妳離開 千里之外 妳無聲黑白
沉默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
我送妳離開 天涯之外 妳是否還在
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待
聞淚聲入林 尋梨花白 只得一行 青苔
天在山之外 雨落花台 我兩鬢斑白
聞淚聲入林 尋梨花白 只得一行 青苔
天在山之外 雨落花台 我等妳來
一身琉璃白 透明著塵埃 妳無瑕的愛
妳從雨中來 詩化了悲哀 我淋濕現在
芙蓉水面採 船行影猶在 妳卻不回來
被歲月覆蓋 妳說的花開 過去成空白
夢醒來 是誰在窗台 把結局打開
那薄如蟬翼的未來 經不起誰來拆
我送妳離開 千里之外 妳無聲黑白
沉默年代 或許不該 太遙遠的相愛
我送妳離開 天涯之外 妳是否還在
琴聲何來 生死難猜 用一生 去等待


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